Coach Cliett 8th Grade Georgia History
 c. Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia and other southern states,
emphasizing Freedmen’s Bureau; sharecropping and tenant farming; Reconstruction plans;13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution; Henry McNeal Turner and black legislators, and the Ku Klux Klan

          Reconstruction Period

          The period immediately after the War is known as Reconstruction        (a period of rebuilding the South after the war)

          Times were tough for Freed Slaves. There were no jobs available in the North or the South for them.

          The Freedmen's Bureau was an organization to help both blacks and whites get “back on their feet” though most whites were too proud to use the service.

          Many ex-slaves chose to Tenant Farm or Sharecrop the land usually owned by their former master. They provided the labor by working the fields while the owner supplied them a place to live and all tools necessary for the job. Most often went into debt to their former master and worked the farm for life trying to pay off the debt.

          The biggest difference between sharecropping and slavery was that the people were NOT Owned and could not be traded or sold. They had the freedom to choose to work there but mush of the life was the same as the Plantation Life

          Reconstruction Plans

          Lincoln wanted to allow the South EASY Re-entry into the Union But many of the Northern Congressmen wanted to Punish the South and have a HARD Re-entry program

          Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth (a Northern actor with Southern sympathies) before he could start his plans

          Vice President Johnson, from Tennessee, took over and wanted to follow Lincolns plans but the Northern Congressmen accused him of being too easy on the South since he was from Tennessee, a Southern State

          Reconstruction was a ROUGH period with TOUGH re-entry plans for Southern States who were opposed to many of the changes

          Constitution Changes

          As a result of the Civil War and the resistance of the South to change and accept the facts that slavery was over, several Constitutional Amendments were Passed

          13th Amendment – Made Slavery illegal in all U.S. States and Territories

          14th Amendment – All citizens have SAME rights and Privileges of All other Citizens ( Blacks were EQUAL to Whites under the Law)

          15th Amendment – No citizen can be denied the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude

          Political Change

          After the Civil War, blacks were elected to the General assembly of GA for the 1st time. Henry McNeal Turner was one of the 1st African-Americans to take office.

          Milledgeville was the capital of GA at this time and the General Assembly refused to let the black legislators take office and the hotels in the area would not allow them to stay there. They said the Constitutional Amendments may allow blacks to be citizens but does NOT guarantee them a place in the Assembly

          The U.S. government made the General assembly accept them and the Capital moved from Milledgeville to Atlanta where the climate was more favorable to blacks.

White Organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan began to spring up as white advocate groups and to oppose the equality of blacks