Coach Cliett 8th Grade Georgia History
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of
Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.

          a. Explain the establishment of the University of Georgia, Louisville, and the spread of Baptist and Methodist churches.

       University of Ga  (History)

          Was formerly known as Franklin College

          Started in 1785 with a land grant given by the Federal Gov’t to establish a college

          First Classes started in 1801

          Was all male and all white

          duty was to oversee all public schools in GA

          Oldest University of its kind

          Louisville (capitols of Georgia)

          Became capital of Ga in 1796

          Is located between Savannah and Augusta BUT further WEST

          The movement toward the west reflected the changing population of Ga that was spreading out from the coast and Savannah river and following the Fall Line.


          After the Revolution many preachers (Anglican Religion) left and went back to England

          Their leaving left the opportunity for other Protestant Religions such as Baptists and Methodists

          John Wesley came to GA to “save” the Indians and started the first “ Sunday Schools.” These schools/classes taught people to read and write using the Bible as a textbook. He founded the Methodist Religion After returning to England.

In all Communities religious worship was a form of worship, recreation, and social interaction. It was a time for families to get together and take a break from the routine of work and struggle.