Coach Cliett 8th Grade Georgia History
SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

 c. Explain the development of Ga as a Royal Colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and impact of the Royal governors          

GA as a Royal Colony

          Oglethorpe left GA in 1743 never to return

          Colony did not prosper and became a Royal Colony (run by the King) in 1752

          The trustees had allowed slavery to enter the colony in 1750 and loosened other restrictions before letting the colony go.

         WE had 3 Royal Governors

        John Reynolds, Henry Ellis, Sir James Wright

          John Reynolds

          Okay Gov but unpopular

          Gave Ga First chance of self-government

          Unicameral (1 house) ruling body called the        Commons House of Assembly

           Gov. had Veto power (ability to overrule)

          Voting Restrictions

        You had to be



        Own at least 50 acres

          Henry Ellis

          Better than Reynolds but did not like being here (stayed 3 years)

          Anglican Church (Church of England) was established as the official religion of GA during his leadership

          He wanted to strengthen army, increase population and improve economy

          Sir James Wright

          Was the Best Royal Gov.

          Was born in South Carolina

          Stayed for almost 20 years

          Was here when the American Revolution began

          Finished building wall around Savannah for Protection

          Had to Flee Ga during the Revolution

          Slavery and Land

          Virtually all previous rules regarding slavery and land ownership had been abandoned during the Royal governor Period.

          Large plantations began to develop with the use of much slave labor

          People followed the Philadelphia wagon road along the Appalachian Mtns and entered Ga for land around Augusta on the Ga frontier.

          Land was given away in “lotteries” to encourage people to move to Ga