Coach Cliett 8th Grade Georgia History
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location

d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development.


Ga has a mild temperate climate. Average temperature for GA is 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Hot humid summers and mild winters

Some area of Ga are colder due to vertical climate or height above sea level.

Highest summer temps are in July while coldest are in January

Industries like Ga climate because of lower heating/cooling costs.

Ga has a long growing season which makes it perfect for growing a variety of crops.

When Ga was proposed for settlement, the climate was thought to be ideal for exotic plants such as spices mulberry trees from which worms make silk. This was part of the reason Ga was created.

Today Ga continues to be an agricultural leader as well a hotspot for industries worldwide seeking for expansion